
Links to Sites We Believe Will Interest You

Savvy Collector   American Indian and other fine and decorative art for sale by the most knowledgeable person I know about such objects. A beautiful website – full of beautiful objects for sale – and full of educational information and links to all sorts of resources.

Nafzger Forge  Hand made kitchen knives that are real works of art that are also totally functional.

Capital Restoration Qualified and capable restoration of modern and antique furniture and other objects, performed with an understanding and sensibility to each.

Gold Buyer’s Guide A guide for the novice and the knowledgeable about selling gold and gold objects. This book is written by an accredited senior appraiser with experience in appraising and in the market.

Westminster Appraisal and Consultation If you need a qualified appraisal for prominent and important sports memorabilia, trading cards, coins, currency, medals, this is your source.